Credit: Daily Mail via Asia Wire/YouTube
Grandma with Alzheimer’s climbs down the outside of apartment building
I’m gonna start by sayin’ there’s nothing funny about f**ken Alzheimer’s mates. It’s a pr**ck of a disease that affects heaps of people and their families. It must be hard for all involved to come to terms with the devastating loss of their loved one’s minds and memories.
Now I’m no bloody Doctor, nor do I have any personal experience with Alzheimer’s but I reckon I’d have enough common sense to know I shouldn’t lock me Nanna in a high rise apartment alone while I go out and have a frothy or two with me mates.
But that’s precisely what happened to an 80-year-old sheila in Chengdu, China last week. I’m sure the family was thinkin’ she’d be safe and sound, locked inside watching some telly or the likes, but yeah, nah.

Credit: Daily Mail via Asia Wire/YouTube
Once the family had left, Nanna was off like a Bondi tram; straight out the window to begin her descent to freedom from the fourteenth floor.
With the agility of a spider monkey at least half her age, Nan used the ventilation shaft as a make shift ladder, climbing down about 9 storeys on the exterior of the building.

Credit: Daily Mail via Asia Wire/YouTube
It’s worth noting that Nan took her lovely red handbag along for the ride, which I can only assume contains her bingo cards and some cash for a senior’s meal at her local RSL.

Credit: Daily Mail via Asia Wire/YouTube
Heaps of onlookers gathered to have a sticky beak, and the firey’s were called. But before they arrived, residents who lived on the fourth floor spotted Nan, opened a window and pulled her to safety.
F**ken good result I reckon.
Final thought:
Alzheimer’s is a deadset c**t. It’s important that sufferers of Alzheimer’s and the families that support them get the help they need to keep everyone safe.
Claims that this poor old duck was locked in the apartment against her will by her family have been unsubstantiated, but if it’s true, it’s a f**cken disgrace.
Check out the video below of the death defying Spider-Gran:
H/T: Daily Mail