Old bloke delivers greatest photobomb of all time during model photoshoot
Photo bombing has become an enjoyable past time, sticking ya mug in where it’s not wanted for a laugh… Or getting s**t-faced and crashing all ya sister’s wedding photos etc. While these forced attempts are all in good fun, nothing quite compares to the comedic gold that results in a unsuspecting bystander being snapped or filmed when they don’t even realise it. This is when the “photo-bomb” is at it’s most pure, and the results can be hilarious.
No-one knows who shot the video, or where it was located, but minor details such as these are irrelevant with subject matter like this. It starts with a beautiful model in a skimpy red pair a togs, posing for a variety shots on a beach. Seems simple enough yeah?

@sgroi_carmelo via Twitter
All seems to be going just beaut, the lighting and scenery is mickey mouse, model looks top notch… until…

@sgroi_carmelo via Twitter
Old mate emerges from the ocean with a big grin on his face, and giving zero f**ks. He’s built like a brick s**t-house and doesn’t seem to realise he’s walking through a professional work zone… And why should he? It’s a public place!

@sgroi_carmelo via Twitter
Can you imagine the bloke behind the camera? Thinkin’ for the love of Christ mate, get outta me f**ken shot, we’re working ‘ere!
But ol’ mate could care less about your damn photo shoot hahaha he’s happy as a pig in s**t.

@sgroi_carmelo via Twitter
You couldn’t be mad at the ol’ bloke couldya? He just looks so rapt with the world and the large verandah he’s got covering his tool shed. Sporting a pair of teeny budgie smugglers and livin’ his best life. What a f**ken legend.
The tweet was originally posted by Carmelo Sgroi and it’s been viewed 19.7 million times causing internet fame for the unsuspecting pensioner. Check it out below.
— carmelo sgroi (@sgroi_carmelo) March 21, 2019
Final Thought: When you work in a public place, things like this are bound to happen from time to time. I salute the camera man and the model’s professionalism, they didn’t skip a beat! And the photo bomber looks so bloody happy with life, we could all take a leaf outta his book… Being happy in the moment and strutting through his day like a houso that’s just pulled his centrelink payment out of an ATM.
H/T : Daily Mail and Carmelo Sgroi via Twitter