Clever bloody dog rings doorbell at 2am after getting locked out!

Credit: Caters/TheRobFox

Clever bloody dog rings doorbell at 2am after getting locked out!

Mate, if you’ve ever been locked out of the house after a late night, you’ll know it’s a royal pain in the arse. S**t, it’s a royal pain in the arse whenever you’re locked out. It doesn’t have to be a late night. Still, there’s no denying that makes it worse. All your amenities are right there on the other side of the door, but you’ve left your bloody keys somewhere stupid and the only way in is a smashed window…unless you’re a bloody dog and your owners are in the house.

Yeah, in that case, you won’t be smashing bloody anything. Still, you’re a dog. How hard could it be to have a bit of a bloody bark and let the whole street know your dopey bloody hoomans have left you out in the cold to freeze your knackers off?

Credit: Caters/TheRobFox

Well, that’s exactly what happened to Chika. Now, Chika’s a Labrador-mix, which might explain the fact that she’s not a total arsehole. The local of McDonough, Georgia, was bloody cast aside when her owners hit the sack.

Not being a rude bitch, she didn’t just go mental like plenty of dogs would. Yeah, nah, she sussed out her options and, knowledgeable about the button on the wall that summons hoomans to the front door, this doggo f**ken smashed it.

Credit: Caters/TheRobFox

Deadset, watch the video and you’ll see her jump up, give the button a boop and wait patiently for a bit before she heads off to investigate some other happening in the yard. Of course, she’s not gone for long, though.

In a matter of moments, she’s back onto the doorbell where she waits patiently for her owner, Robert Fox, before he comes and lets the clever pup in.

Credit: Caters/TheRobFox

Final thought: We’re just gonna have to call it. Dogs are bloody rad creatures. Don’t get us wrong, plenty of the dopey buggers would have barked the whole street awake, but bloody Chika’s a conscientious little legend. What a top sheila! Someone give her a pat. She deserves it.

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Dodgy Removals