Credit: KB1230
Infinite Tucker sends internet into a frenzy with Superman dive in hurdles race
Here in Ozzyland, we like to think of ourselves as a nation of sporting legends, as a race of never-say-die warriors on the field of play, and as the greatest sporting culture on Earth. Before you get all bloody antsy about that, just know that the truth of it doesn’t matter. In our mind’s collective eye, every single one of us is like the bloke you’re about to meet, Infinite Tucker.

Credit: KB1230
Deadset, Infinite Tucker is one determined f**ker. If you’ve seen the cheeky prick’s last-gasp manoeuvre to claim the victory in a pretty f**ken tight contest with his team-mate, you’ll know what we’re talking about. If you’re not familiar, prepare to be impressed by his race-winning stunt at the Southeastern Conference’s Track & Field Championships.
If you want more context than that, you can check out any number of the sporting sites that’ll give you a real blow-by-blow. What we’re gonna focus on is this gutsy b**tard’s awesome lunge. Coming out of the last hurdle, Infinite was neck and neck with his team-mate Robert Grant, but a moment of inspiration saw him claim the title.

Credit: KB1230
Have a squiz at it. He f**ken gives himself a little extra push as he stretches a leg down, and then, when he’s approaching the finish line, he turns into bloody Superman and dives harder than Mo bloody Salah. He f**ken leaps, he stretches, he takes the f**ken win!
Best of all, you know where his inspiration came from? His bloody Mum! F**K YES, Infinite! F**K YES, Mum! He told ESPN, “I closed my eyes over hurdle 10. I opened it, saw my ma at the finish, and I jumped to give her a hug. I just gave it my all and I felt like diving to the finish was me using my whole body. I just gave it my all that race.”

Credit: KB1230
As you can imagine, his epic dive has been doing the rounds online, and has seen him gather a bunch of awesome kudos and acclaim from the likes of ESPN SportsCenter’s top 10 plays of the day!
Final thought: If the world is the legendary place we think it is, Happy Gilmore rules apply and this bloke needs to be in a bunch of Subway commercials diving for the last sub of the day. Anyway, what do you blokes reckon? Is a move like this cricket or is it f**ked in the head? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Greatest Mating Dance Ever
Video Link: KB1230