Bloke Drinks His Way Out Of Certain Drowning Incident
This is one of those videos that makes you ashamed to be Australian. After watching this I’m left with a great sense of disappointment. I mean come on Australia – why didn’t we think of this first? Oh wait I know… It’s too much bloody effort.

Credit: YouTube
Our mates in the north have brought us the “Bucket Head Beer Chug”. If you’ve ever wondered what it feels like to be a fish in a tank full of beer, then this is the challenge for you!
Anti-drinking proponents will no doubt be clicking their tongues, shaking their heads, and pointing their fingers at this as an example of outta control “drinking culture”. Meanwhile, most of us will see for what it is – a bit of silly fun.

Credit: Sydney Morning Herald – Australian pollies famously unafraid to share a pint down the pub
Australian drinking culture has recently been highlighted in a national report conducted by FARE (Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education), showing that 78% of Australian’s are concerned about excessive drinking, and highlighting links to hospital admissions and domestic violence.
Although that’s a fair dinkum serious statistic, a drinking challenge from time to time is alluring, and most people know that playing a game of beer-pong at a party won’t suddenly turn you into a raging alcoholic. The key is knowing ya limits and when you need to bail out or chuck a Houdini and vanish to pass out on ya bed.
There is another concern here, as I’m sure you can all see, and that is the extraordinary waste of beer this challenge produces. It seems most the beer is below the drinkers mouth, rendering most of it undrinkable. I’m sure if we applied some Australian ingenuity to this challenge we could come up with a less wasteful method of delivery whilst maintaining the spirit of the challenge.
Perhaps this can be the next ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to raise money for charity? I’d rather be nominated to drink a beer than to have a bucket of ice water dumped over my head, even if it does involve consuming my own sweat and dead skin cells in the process. I’m sure there’d be no shortage of charities willing to accept the money raised.