Metal detecting couple find a treasure hoard worth up to £5m
Let’s be honest, we’ve probably all wondered whether or not it’s worth investing in a metal detector at least once or twice. Obviously, most of us have probably given the idea the old yeah, nah, but you can’t deny that the old blokes who do use them often turn up a few coins. In the case of this couple from Pommyland, their find wasn’t just a few coins, though. Nah, these lucky buggers have pulled over two-and-a-half thousand coins from a millennia ago out of an old field.

Credit: BNP/TreasureHunting
As you can tell from the headline, we’re heading to bloody Pommyland for this one. We’re clearly not experts on metal detectors, but we reckon that if the time and effort you need to put into metal-detection is gonna pay off anywhere, it’s somewhere like Pommyland or continental Europe or Asia.
Adam Staples and Lisa Grace, the fortunate treasure-hunters, have scored pretty friggen big with this find. Experts are predicting their haul is worth anywhere from three to five million pounds. It’s made up of King Harold II pennies from the end of Anglo-Saxon England and William the Conqueror coins, made after the battle of 1066.

Credit: BNP
Obviously, the pair has been reluctant to say exactly where they found the coins, but they described it as ‘the find of a lifetime.’ Yeah, no doubt. Seriously, get excited. That’s pretty bloody impressive.
London coin expert Nigel Mills says, “Harold II coins are rarer than William coins and could be worth between £2,000 to £4,000 each. The William I coins will be between £1,000 and £1,500. This hoard could be worth between £3m and £5m.”
According to law, Adam and Lisa had to tell the local finds liaison officer about the score, but if they have to go to the museum, that museum will still have to pay the going rate. If the museums don’t want them, they’ll still be free to sell the coins to anyone willing.

Credit: BNP
Chances of a museum coming in must be pretty bloody high, though. The British Museum – who took the coins into their care once they were reported – said, “This appears to be an important discovery.”
Old mate Nigel, who we mentioned earlier, reckons they’d have belonged to someone important who buried them in the ground for safe-keeping but died before he could get back to them. “It would have been a substantial amount of money back. Not a king, but somebody high up and important, somebody of substance. They didn’t have banks back then so where else were they going to store their money safely?”

Credit: BNP
Final thought: Bloody hell, this is more than just a lucky find, it’s bloody life-changing. If you were Adam or Lisa, how would you spend the money? Let us know!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Live TV Fails