This Former Anorexic Girl Just Won A Bodybuilding Competition

This Former Anorexic Girl Just Won A Bodybuilding Competition

From the age of 16 to when she was 22, Nicola King suffered from severe and life threatening anorexia. She started working out excessively, and began restricting food until she was barely eating anything at all.

At her most unwell, Nicola King weighed just 25kg and refused to eat for six weeks or even drink any water. Nicola’s hair fell out and she was in immense pain. Her parents were twice told to say goodbye to her as her body was shutting down.


At the start of 2012 she was hospitalised and sedated, and had to be tube fed. Nicola did not initially take to treatment, and tried to remove her feeding tubes regularly.

“The illness was so strong that they were trying to tube feed me and I had wires in but I kept ripping them all out. I wanted to die and I felt physically dead.”
Nicola spent 18 months total on various treatment plans at the Priory Hospital in Southampton.


After recovering, Nicola got involved with bodybuilding in 2015 and hasn’t looked back since! Nicola is now a healthy 56kg and competes in body building competitions in the UK. She can deadlift up to 40kg, nearly double what she used to weigh!

The 24-year-old was crowned champion in the best body transformation category at Pure Elite's UK championships last weekend.

The 24-year-old was crowned champion in the best body transformation category at Pure Elite’s UK championships last weekend.

“Going to the gym has given me focus and something I can get up for in the morning.” she said.

“It is my therapy and escape and it’s a liberating feeling to push your body to the extreme but in a positive and healthy way.

“It has been a very long road since then but for the first time, I am proud of myself.


“I never thought I would get to this point. I didn’t even think I would still be here. It’s surreal to have come this far – it’s overwhelming.

“I still struggle because as much as I have overcome the illness, it never goes away completely, but I feel like I have beaten it. It is no longer strong enough to take over.”

The 24-year-old was crowned champion in the best body transformation category at Pure Elite’s UK championships last weekend.


H/T: Daily Mail